Best Educational Practices for Hearing Impaired Learners

Inclusive Education: Promoting Best World Practices is aimed at introducing innovative educational tools and techniques for teaching students with hearing impairments.
In the framework of the project, a team of eight university educators from Lviv, Ternopil and Kharkiv will develop and deliver a training program on using IT tools and hands-on teaching methods through a series of training seminars and publish a methodological booklet on The Best Practices for Teaching Deaf Students. Other project activities will include: STEM/hands-on events for high school students and master classes for high school teachers, a Specialized Education Fair, and a survey to evaluate the project results.

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Pirenópolis (Goiás, Brazil) will host HSCI2024

The 21th annual international conference on Hands-on Science, HSCI2024, will be held in Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil, from September 23th to 27th, 2024.
