"Hands-on Science – Romania" participates in the Creative Little Scientists project

Through its Centre for Science Education and Training – CSET (education.inflpr.ro/), the Laser Metrology and Standardization Laboratory, department in the National Institute For Laser, Plasma And Radiation Physics of Romania, coordinates the national educational network "Hands-on Science – Romania", part of the International Hands-on Science Network. The Laboratory participates in the Creative Little Scientists project in the areas of science and mathematics education in early childhood. The 4th project meeting for Creative Little Scientists took place in Panormos, Crete in Greece from 5 to 7 July 2013. Partners discussed all the project issues and the strategy to follow as the project reaches its completion in March 2014. The final meeting for the project will take place after the project's Final Conference and will be held in Athens, Greece in March 2014. Read about the project current status at the project website www.creative-little-scientists.eu/home.


Pirenópolis (Goiás, Brazil) will host HSCI2024

The 21th annual international conference on Hands-on Science, HSCI2024, will be held in Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil, from September 23th to 27th, 2024.
