The conference will run in-person mode in Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil. Although the in-person participation is the norm for the HSCI2024, the organizing committee may accept the virtual participation (online or offline, depending on the authors’ choice or by decision of the organizing committee) of well deserving colleagues unable to travel to Brazil this time. The virtual participation is only possible for authors (not for attendants only).


Conference Fee


Registration Date Regular fee
Reduced fee for
teachers and students*
Accompanying person**
Until September 6, 2024 100 R$ (real brasileiro) 50 R$ 50 R$
After September 6, 2024 150 R$ 60 R$ 50 R$


* The reduced fee also apply to retired participants including university teachers and researchers. Current university teachers/researchers are not included on "reduced fees for teachers and students".

**Accompanying person should register in the same way as the participants. In the field "observations" (at "invoicing and payment") should mention that is an “accompanying person”.



Data de registro Taxa normal
Professores Universitários e Professores da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica
Taxa reduzida para
professores da educação básica e alunos*
Até 6 de setembro de 2024 100 R$ (real brasileiro) 50 reais 50 reais
Depois de 6 de setembro de 20244 150 reais 60 reais 50 reais


* A taxa reduzida também se aplica a participantes aposentados, incluindo professores universitários e pesquisadores. Os actuais professores/investigadores universitários, servidores em geral e professores e servidores da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica não estão incluídos nas “propinas reduzidas para professores da educação básica e estudantes".



The conference fee covers full conference participation which includes

1. Attendance to the conference plenary sessions, oral communications, poster sessions, workshops, science fair, scientific performances, and teacher training sessions.
2. Coffee breaks
3. Social program
4. Conference proceedings (electronic format)
5. Certificate of attendance
6. Supporting documentation

Accompanying person fee includes:

1. Access to the conference
2. Coffee breaks
3. Social program


Click here to register for HSCI2024


After registration, you can submit your abstract / full paper.

After registration we will receive an email with the details of your registration.